Today’s post comes to us from Clara Compaire of GLOBALHealthPR Spain partner, Berbés Asociados.

President of Spanish ALS Society

There is no doubt that the “Ice Bucket Challenge” has become one of the most viral campaigns ever known. Thanks to this initiative and the power of social media, Amiotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has gone from being a virtually unknown disease globally to one that is on everyone’s lips.

In Spain, it’s catching on. [Read more…] about The Global Perspective on the #IceBucketChallenge

In today’s post, John J. Seng, GLOBALHealthPR Chair and Spectrum Founder & CEO, discusses the recent actions of CVS, the first major US pharmacy retailer to stop selling tobacco products.

cvs health logo
CVS Health

I was happy to read just now that HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell saluted CVS Health today for stamping out cigarette sales as of today, one month earlier than the company pledge of October 1.

Her statement is short enough to reprint here:

We applaud CVS Health for becoming tobacco-free and ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at its 7,700 CVS/pharmacy locations. CVS accomplished their goal one month ahead of their deadline of October 1.

We also commend CVS Health on the launch of their national and personalized smoking cessation program.

CVS Heath’s tobacco free policy is an unprecedented step in the retail industry, and will have an impact in bringing our country closer to achieving a tobacco-free generation, a call to action that we announced in January.

We hope others will follow CVS Health’s lead in this important new step to curtail tobacco use.

“We hope others will follow CVS Health’s lead…” Hmmm, as I read that last sentence, I thought of another major retailer, err, wholesale warehouse concern which still has the chance to follow and do the right thing when it comes to reducing heart disease and cancer in the US: Costco Wholesale. [Read more…] about The New “CVS Health” Gets It

The ACIAPO Foundation of Argentina, together with other patient associations in the region, inquired into the major difficulties encountered by affected people after they receive their diagnoses. The most frequent ones: bureaucracy and exceedingly long waiting times. GLOBALHealthPR Argentina partner Paradigma explains.

[Read more…] about Barriers to Cancer Treatment Access in Latin America

In healthcare communications, key messages can do social good. See how our GLOBALHealthPR Mexico partner, PRP, is playing its part by promoting conservation, public health and the client all in one. 

Water is a limited resource that is continuously stretched to meet increasing global demand. The water we consume today is the same water that we will have in 2050. Taking control of the situation becomes something vital. Nowadays every little action towards water protection and conservation adds up to a common goal: assure water for future generations.water conservation - drop in glass

Mexico is among nations that are facing a rapidly diminishing supply of fresh water. According to Juan Javier Carrillo, member of the Water Net (Red del Agua) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in 2050 Mexico will have less than one-third the amount of fresh water per capita that it has today. [Read more…] about Bridging Conservation, Public Health and Industry Through Communication

Today’s post comes to us from Mr. Yap Boh Tiong of GLOBALHealthPR Singapore partner, Mileage Communications. Mileage is a regional leader in IPO communications for multinational healthcare companies looking to expand their presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

The road to a successful Initial Public Offering (IPO) can be long and arduous. On average, it requires 12 to 24 months of preparation.

The advisory team typically consists of an underwriter, reporting accountant, independent auditor, legal counsel and public/investor relations (IR) professionals. Generally, the IR professional firm comes on board 6-24 weeks before the launch. Its principal functions are [Read more…] about IPO: The Road to Success

Today’s blog comes to us from Jonathan Wilson, President of GLOBALHealthPR US Partner and Chair, Spectrum.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is rethinking its rules on what kind of information pharma companies can share with physicians regarding off-label use of their products. That’s good news for the practice of medicine.

At the moment, pharma company employees can talk about a drug only in the context of the condition indicated in its FDA-approved label. Anything they say about another, unapproved use of the drug is considered “misbranding” according to federal law, and subjects the company to civil and criminal prosecution. [Read more…] about Scientific Exchange Calls for Some Talk of “Off-Label” Use