Insights & Trends

This article was authored by CEO of our Canadian partner agency, energiPR, Carol Levine

I’m old enough to remember when house calls were a regular part of healthcare. As a child, my pediatrician would come by to take my temperature, listen to my chest, and write a prescription. That was my first experience being cared for by anyone other than my mother’s home remedies, like chicken soup. 

Canada’s healthcare system has grown vastly more complex since those days. Once lauded as a model of socialized medicine, available to all in exchange for our tax dollars, it is now a system where access can be uneven. The wealthier among us can afford to pay for certain services not covered by public insurance—like faster diagnostic tests or elective surgeries—while many others endure long waits within the public system. 

So, how did we get here? Like many other developed nations, Canada faces significant challenges, including an aging population and the strain COVID-19 placed on the healthcare system and its workers. However, our universal healthcare system, while comprehensive, comes with constraints. These include salary caps for doctors, bureaucratic hurdles, and, in some provinces, limits on operating room time and medical school enrollments. The result is a patchwork of access that often leaves Canadians questioning the system’s fairness. 

Consider Quebec, for example. The province has strict regulations on private healthcare, yet private clinics still exist, offering services like colonoscopies to reduce wait times. However, the provincial government has placed limits on these operations, creating tension between the public and private sectors. Meanwhile, if you can afford upwards of $25,000 CAD for a hip replacement or back surgery, you can seek out private options—though these costs and the availability of services can vary. 

So, when did things start to change? When my family doctor retired a few years ago, I faced a tough choice: go without a doctor who knew my family’s medical history or pay for private care outside the public system. I opted for the latter, starting at $2,500 CAD, with a 30% increase the following year. What once felt like a rare luxury is now becoming more common for those who can afford it. For many, it feels like the only viable option in a system where public access is increasingly strained. 

While private access is convenient for those who can pay, it also turns healthcare into a commodity. We now compare prices, locations, and aftercare services like we’re shopping for a new car. Bedside manner not up to par? Let’s find someone more empathetic. 

An article in the New York Times earlier this year reported on the growing private-sector involvement in Canadian healthcare. Canadians might be surprised to learn just how entrenched private medicine has become. According to Dr. Katherine Fierlbeck, a political science professor at Dalhousie University, about 30% of health services in Canada—everything from drugs to physiotherapy—are provided privately. This statistic, however, includes services that have always been outside the public system, like dental care and prescription drugs. 

Dr. Fierlbeck also raises a warning flag. While most private clinics in Canada are small, independent operations set up by local doctors, the door is opening for large, aggressive healthcare corporations, particularly from the United States, to enter the market. If that happens, the landscape could shift dramatically, leading to constant lobbying and lawsuits aimed at expanding the role of private business in our healthcare system. 

The question for Canadians is simple: Are we willing to accept the further privatization of our healthcare, knowing that it could lead to an American-style system driven by profit rather than patient care? While Canada’s public healthcare system remains deeply entrenched, the growing influence of private interests is something we must confront. As the debate continues to unfold, it’s a question we’ll need to answer sooner rather than later. 

We’re living in an era of unprecedented access to information. Yet, this brings unprecedented challenges, particularly when it comes to health. The increase of false health information has eroded public trust, which is the bedrock of good relations and practices in healthcare. Health information needs to be authentic and trustworthy, with the source of the information clear. So how can we, as healthcare communicators, fight back against misinformation?

The Impact of Health Misinformation

Poorer Personal Health Outcomes: Misinformation can lead to delayed or avoided medical care. It can also lead to a misunderstanding of risk factors, encouraging harmful behaviours.

Risks to Public Health: Misinformation isn’t just a personal matter; it poses significant risks to wider communities. For instance, vaccine misinformation has fuelled the resurgence of preventable diseases like whooping cough and measles.

Financial Strain on Healthcare Systems: The ripple effect extends to healthcare systems, with misinformation driving up costs. Preventable conditions, complications from delayed treatments and managing public health crises all contribute to ballooning expenses.

Tackling Health Misinformation

Empowerment through Education: Improving health literacy is a cornerstone of tackling misinformation. By educating patients and the general public to discern credible health information, we can empower them to make informed decisions about their health.

Transparency is Key: Pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers must prioritise transparency. This means clearly communicating treatment benefits and risks, addressing concerns openly, and providing evidence-based information to rebuild trust.

Harnessing Technology: While technology can spread misinformation, it also holds the key combatting it. Digital tools can help to disseminate accurate information, and tech companies, including social media, can help to flag or remove false content.

Community Engagement: Trust-building within communities is vital. Engaging with leaders, influencers and organisations helps to share accurate information tailored to specific communities, fostering understanding and confidence. Tailoring messages to specific communities ensures they resonate and are more likely to be accepted.

Becoming a Trusted Information Creator

As proud health information creators and communicators, it’s our responsibility to ensure the information we produce is accurate, accessible, and evidence based. At Aurora, our rigorous approach to creating health information has earned recognition from the Patient Information Forum (PIF) through the PIF TICK – the UK’s only assessed quality mark for print and online health and care information.

The PIF launched the PIF TICK in May 2020. In July 2021, PIF launched the website to raise awareness of PIF TICK accredited members and help people find trusted health information. The site also includes guides on topics including spotting false health information and understanding evidence.

Aurora is one of the first healthcare communications agencies to receive accreditation with the PIF TICK, joining over 140 organizations including NHS trusts, patient advocacy groups, pharmaceutical companies, and individual health content creators. Our adherence to the 10 key criteria ensures that any health information we create on behalf of our clients can bear the PIF TICK, providing assurance to patients and the public that it meets the highest standards.

By fostering trust, transparency, and promoting health literacy, we empower individuals to make informed health decisions, leading to better outcomes for all.

Paul Venturino, executive director Strategika -a GHMC partner-

Sebastián Goldsack, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Communications of Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Although the concept of responsible investment has been used for approximately 60 years, only recently have standards been established. The climate crisis has accelerated the need for implementing new strategies to address rapid global and technological changes. We refer to these new standards as ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) principles.

There were two key milestones in the ESG evolution. The first was the creation of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 1999, a stock index focused on sustainable investments which allowed for broader financing options. The second, much more recent, was the UN Global Compact of the Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI, 2023).

One of the key elements of responsible investment is active incorporation of ESG criteria. This implies everyone in the chain (organization, shareholders, financiers, management) must adhere to rules and be proactive agents of mobilization.

ESG criteria is based on three pillars:

  • Environment: Refers to the environmental impact of an organization and the activities to reduce it, especially in areas such as emissions, waste or use of natural resources.
  • Social: Refers to the management of people in the workplace and the community in various aspects such as human rights, gender, inclusion.
  • Governance: The way in which corporations or institutions are organized. The key is respect for rules and transparency.

As with any regulatory change, responsible investment has also been strongly pressured by changes in production conditions, stricter regulations and strong activism. ESG criteria seeks to respond to scenarios with measures that allow us to face challenges while maintaining profitability (Shakil, 2021).

With this in mind, we interviewed key executives from Chilean and multinational corporations operating in Chile to learn the latest trends and challenges in responsible investment and ESG.

Key trends:

  1. Investors—especially investors in international companies—are driving the movement for responsible investment by pressuring these organizations to incorporate ESG criteria.
  2. ESG criteria are beginning to include the full value chain, transferring good practices to all steps of a company’s operation.
  3. Although incipient in Chile, there is pressure to achieve higher diversity on boards (gender, class, race/ethnicity, professional backgrounds).
  4. There is a movement toward clear and effective tools to guide compliance and measure accountability. Regulations can help ensure higher ethical standards across industries.
  5. A diverse, inclusive workforce with a safe workplace environment is positive for workers and business alike.
  6. Companies are now more motivated to seek new ways of doing business and transforming their forms of production, in order to maintain profitability.
  7. Climate change mitigation is seen as a strategic pillar of a company’s ways of doing business.
  8. The traditional way companies engage with interest groups (advocacy groups, etc.) is evolving to include new ways of working.

In addition to these positive trends, come challenges. The biggest challenges relate to the speed of adoption of these practices, and whether they can generate profitability.

Challenges to be addressed in the short term

  1. A move from tactical actions and rankings to a genuine modification of the ways of doing business and the governance structure at a high level.
  2. Convince executive boards of the importance of ESG trends and responsible investment criteria.
  3. Strengthen the ethics of executives.
  4. Raise standards in industries and ensure all companies adopt ESG.
  5. Improve the legislation applied and the bureaucracy of the authorities.


  • Kelly, Conrod, Managing Director MSD Chile
  • Margozzini, José, Gerente general TEG Chile
  • Orrego, Carolina, gerente de asuntos corporativos y cumplimiento Empresas Melón
  • Pinto, Patricio, gerente de asuntos corporativos Minera Los Pelambres
  • Vergara, Ana Luisa, subgerenta de sostenibilidad corporativa Colbún
  • Vilches, Javier, gerente general Grupo Eulen Chile
  • Wood, Alejandra, directora Codelco


Featured on-air and online, a focus of this year’s global campaign will be to encourage youth to donate blood and inspire others to do the same.

NEW YORK and MILAN, June 10, 2021 – GLOBALHealthPR, the largest independent health and science communications agency partnership worldwide, is thrilled to announce today that its Italy partner office, Connexia, has been named the official global creative agency for World Blood Donor Day 2021 (WBDD), working on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO) and key Italian public health stakeholders including the Ministry of Health.

World Blood Donor Day was established in 2005 to raise awareness of the importance of regular blood donations. In particular, this year’s WBDD targets young people (ages 18-25 years) and focuses on the essential contribution this generation can make by saving and improving lives with their donations.

The WHO selected Italy to host this year’s World Blood Donor Day Global Event in Rome from June 14-15. The two-day event will feature a series of special initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Blood Center (CNS) and donor associations. The inauguration of the Virtual Donors’ Village, a digital space for meetings, scientific symposia and information, aims to raise awareness and provide information on the importance of voluntary donation. A virtual concert will also be held on June 14, featuring Indonesian singer-songwriter Anggun and other special guests. 

Connexia created the concepts for the integrated campaign, developed a communication strategy and deployed all assets on a global level. The slogan for this year, Give Blood and Keep the World Beating, plays on the word “beating,” linking heartbeats and sound rhythms while speaking to the international and intergenerational language of music.

The campaign also features a 30-second film that uses animation to depict the extraordinary journey of a bag of blood — from the donor to the patient receiving it. The act of donating triggers a rhythm and a visual narrative that comes to life through the drawings of international illustrator Margherita Premuroso.

This digital short, available on-air in a 30-second format on all Italian television programming RAI channels, will also be available in a 40-second version that will be released on the official channels of the WHO, Ministry of Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Italian donor associations.

“For me, donating blood is an extraordinary act that helps the health service to function effectively every day, ensuring that it is fit for its purpose,” explains Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in a video-message focused on health. “Italy is striving to invest [in this cause] with all its energy, but we need more and more people to do their part: we need women and men who are prepared to devote a little of their time and give a little of their blood to a cause that is just and important. We will work hard to organize our networks as best we can, but we clearly need the consent and support of many other people. I would like to thank everyone who has decided to donate blood, because it is a compassionate and wonderful act that really helps our National Health Service to function. And I also want to express my gratitude to all those who will be working hard over the next two days and weeks to ensure that this event will once again send out a positive message of revival and strength to our National Health Service.”

“We are thrilled to collaborate with the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health, the National Blood Center and donor associations for World Blood Donor Day 2021,” remarked Paolo d’Ammassa, CEO & Founding Partner of Connexia. “The campaign that we have created for the occasion, which will be featured on television networks and social media, aims to reach a worldwide audience made up primarily of young people, whose donations are increasingly crucial but experiencing a steady decline. In order to convey such an essential and vital message in a language that speaks to young people, we chose a direct creative approach, combining the simplicity of drawings with the rhythm of music.”

“Never before has the importance of communication in promoting basic health practices — from proper hand washing to the usefulness of vaccinations — been more apparent than during the pandemic. Effective communication can make a difference and save lives, as it has continued to do during the COVID-19 emergency. The video made for World Blood Donor Day is a perfect example of how to make difficult messages — which can struggle to “hit home” and raise awareness among certain categories of people — more engaging,” explains Vincenzo De Angelis, CNS Director. “The campaign is truly global: it is aimed at citizens of all countries and all ages. The video, like the other materials produced, has managed to strike a universal key that we hope will bring the world of donation closer to those who are not normally interested in this type of message, such as young people.”

“I am delighted to see young people at the center of World Blood Donor Day this year,” noted Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Our young people have suffered in particular during this pandemic, but they have also shown extraordinary resilience and adaptability. Many of the world’s blood donors are young and it is time for their vital contribution to health and to the community at large to be recognized: by donating blood, young people can save lives. So, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the young blood donors of today and tomorrow. Give Blood and Keep the World Beating!”


About Connexia
Communicate, Connect, Engage: Connexia is a fully integrated, data-driven, marketing and communications agency based in Milan. For more than 20 years Connexia has been considered the leading PR, digital, social and mobile agency in Italy, thanks to a strategy-first approach that allows us to activate across media types. Through a combination of passion, strong expertise and creative strategic thinking, Connexia partners with top companies across the globe to strengthen their positioning and to bolster their visibility. For more information, visit or follow @connexia on Twitter.

About GLOBALHealthPR®
GLOBALHealthPR is a partnership of independently owned and operated health and science communications agencies that choose to work together based on common values. With more than 700 health-specialist communications professionals, researchers and medical advisors on staff serving more than 200 organizations globally, the agencies that make up the partnership share a belief in insights-driven strategies and a commitment to collaboration in order to provide clients the best possible counsel and execution. GLOBALHealthPR’s presence spans more than 60 countries, covering Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. For more information, visit or follow @GLOBALHealthPR on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Vaccines are widely considered among the most significant medical achievements in global health, saving an estimated 2-3 million lives annually. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine education and uptake is crucial. To show their support for WHO’s 2021 World Immunization Week, many of our GLOBALHealthPR partners have created an array of communications initiatives, campaigns and expert analyses to drive broad adoption in their countries and around the world.

This page will be updated on an ongoing basis

Argentina, Paradigma PEL Comunicación – Semana de Vacunación de las Américas (Vaccination Week in the Americas)

In support of the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) annual Vaccination Week in the Americas, Paradigma has launched a social media campaign providing facts and figures in support of vaccine uptake. Check out their Twitter and Instagram feeds for daily posts.

Australia, VIVA!- Lack of access to COVID-19 vaccine threatening global immunity

Last week, VIVA! partnered with the Immunisation Coalition and UNICEF Australia in a bid to unite developing nations through vaccinations. Many of us in high income countries can now access free COVID-19 vaccinations, however, lower income countries are yet to receive a single dose. A global pandemic requires a global response, so in the interest of promoting community immunity, we need to ensure all countries have COVID-19 vaccine access.

Canada, energi PR- Oh Canada. Our Vaccination Response May be Too Little, but Hopefully Not Too Late

When it comes to the best places to live in the world, many Canadian cities rank high on the livability index. Canada’s healthcare system is also praised around the world. Why, then, are citizens struggling to get vaccinated to protect them against COVID-19? PR Co-Founder & CEO Carol Levine provides expert insight into the state of Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, diving into the reasoning behind why only 21.84% of Canadians have received one of the two dose vaccines currently approved in the country- Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and COVESHEILD.

Mexico, PRP- Vacunación contra COVID-19 en México: Análisis de la Conversación Digital (COVID-19 vaccination in Mexico: Digital Analysis) [in Spanish]

Mexican health authorities have encouraged vaccine uptake since the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out plan was announced in Mexico in December 2020. PRP conducted an analysis of approximately 500,000 social posts which revealed that nearly 50% of these users displayed concerns about which biological product was the most effective and transparency surrounding the vaccination process, while 30% felt that the government was not meeting vaccination deadlines and was using the plan as a front for political purposes. However, an estimated 20% of these posts become more positive once a user had received the vaccine or had a close family member who had been vaccinated.

Singapore, Spurwing Communications- Vaccines and Preventable Diseases

For the last two centuries, vaccines have protected us against diseases that threaten lives and limit human potential. Currently, 17 dangerous and deadly diseases are preventable through the help of vaccines, saving the lives of millions globally. While it will be some time before the whole world is immunized against COVID-19, we can support vaccine efforts by building solidarity and trust in vaccinations as a public good that saves lives and protects health – working towards a world where we can be together again.

Spain, Berbés- Las vacunas nos acercan (Vaccines bring us closer) [in Spanish]

Google trends have revealed that vaccines have dominated the public’s interest. In fact, since March 2020, searches for the term “vaccines” has increased by approximately 1000%.

United Kingdom, Aurora- Science makes vaccines possible. We make their use real

There is a lack of trust in vaccines by the public, in part due to myth and misinformation spread in all forms of media. This makes vaccine education more important than ever. Inspired by Pfizer and BioNTech’s recent campaign, #becauseofthis, Aurora asked their colleagues who have received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to share what they are most looking forward to being able to do once they are fully vaccinated.

EuropeThe Importance of Vaccines: Perspectives From Our Partners in Europe

Our partners in Europe share their insights and perspectives on why vaccines are critical to fighting diseases and why vaccine education can help limit the spread of misinformation.

United States, Spectrum Science- Voyage of a Vaccine

As an agency hyper-focused on science, Spectrum uses their expertise and science-telling capabilities to chronicle the voyage of a vaccine, driving awareness and education around the more nuanced components of the story.

Additional Expert Analysis:

Achieving Global ImmUNITY,” by Tim Goddard, GLOBALHealthPR at Spectrum

Vaccination in Latin America: The Delicate Balance Between Informing and Alarming,” by Ma. Eugenia De la Fuente, Paradigma PEL Comunicación

GLOBALHealthPR partner Aurora hosts webinar with leading industry experts 

 As one of the countries hardest-hit by the coronavirus pandemic, the United Kingdom has seen its challenges related to health system response. With this as the backdrop, GLOBALHealthPR’s UK partner and European Hub, Aurora, recently convened a ground-breaking panel discussion to explore the strategic and ethical challenges of rebuilding a health service that is innovative, affordable, effective and, crucially, prepared for the healthcare challenges of tomorrow.

Aurora joined forces with ‘slow news’ website Tortoise in the first partnership of its kind: Tortoise’s journalists focus on exploring bigger issues in real depth, rather than competing for attention in the 24-hour news cycle. The webinar featured a stellar line-up of health experts: Dame Donna Kinnair, General Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing; Sir David Nicholson, former Chief Executive of NHS England; and Dr. Richard Torbett, Chief Executive of The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).

The perspectives and opportunities discussed share broad applicability beyond Britain’s borders. Amid ever-increasing pressure on the health system, there was consensus on the benefits of an integrated healthcare model that is patient-centric, appropriately staffed, embraces collaboration, and is adaptable to new innovations and digital solutions.

Below, we summarise key takeaways from the webinar:

  • Pharma is stepping up to the challenge. Dr. Richard Torbett emphasized that roughly three quarters of the 120 different COVID-19 vaccines investigated around the world are being led by the pharma industry. Further, every vaccine candidate will require pharma support to manufacture at scale and distribute globally.
  • Necessity forces long-overdue changes. In light of the pandemic, innovative care delivery models are being adopted in the UK and beyond. Countries around the world are trying to create health systems that support patients who take responsibility for their health, while reducing unnecessary face-to-face contact and appointments where appropriate – primarily enabled through digital channels.
  • Investing in healthcare can drive economic growth and better health outcomes. Sir David Nicholson noted that health expenditure can have a significant impact on the economy and population health outcomes. Healthier individuals can be more productive in the labour market, and there is a growing literature establishing the relationship between health system spending and health outcomes. For example, study data revealed that increases in health care expenditure decreased amendable mortality in 17 European countries between 1980 and 2010.
  • Healthcare systems must evolve to become patient-centric. To create a sustainable healthcare system, a patient’s specific health needs should be the driving force behind all healthcare decisions. Providers should treat patients not only from a clinical perspective, but also from an emotional, social, and financial perspective. Clear communication, understanding patients’ needs, and empathy are especially critical during COVID-19.

You can view the full discussion on Aurora’s campaign page.

Follow @GLOBALHealthPR on Twitter for additional perspectives on this and other timely global health issues. For more insights or communications support from our local experts, please contact