Insights & Trends

Differences provide window of insight into populations and nuances across Scandinavia

To outsiders, Denmark and Sweden are often seen as one in the same due in large part to their cultural similarities and geographic proximity. After all, in approximately ten minutes you can drive from Denmark to Sweden by crossing the famous Øresund Bridge. That said, the stark contrast in how these countries are working to contain the spread of COVID-19 has baffled experts around the world.

Unlike Denmark, which has placed lockdown restrictions similar to the rest of the world, Sweden has not closed its borders, public schools, or non-essential businesses. As noted in a recent New York Times report, “Sweden’s approach has raised questions about whether it’s gambling with a disease.” Why then are two seemingly similar countries taking vastly different approaches towards battling this pandemic, and which strategies appear to be the most effective thus far? Further, what can we as healthcare-focused communications, marketing and public affairs practitioners learn going forward?

Neighbors, but Opposite COVID-19 Approaches

Like Denmark and most countries across the globe, Sweden’s health officials have stressed safe hygiene practices, social distancing, and protecting older and vulnerable citizens. However, in Sweden, restaurants, playgrounds, gyms, malls, and most schools remain open (except for high schools, colleges and universities). Why is this the case?

One explanation comes from one of Sweden’s epidemiologists, who commented that “Sweden’s approach appeals to the public’s self-restraint and sense of responsibility. Our whole system for communicable disease control is based on voluntary action.”

In contrast, in Denmark all borders are closed, (except e.g. for workers commuting between the two countries) all non-essential public employees have been sent home with full pay, gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited, and all schools were closed for five weeks. Most recently, Denmark has re-opened school and day care services for young children.

Additional reasons why these countries have taken different routes in containing the spread of COVID-19 also stem from geographic, demographic, environmental and governmental differences between Denmark and Sweden:

  • Size and population density: Sweden is approximately ten times larger in area than Denmark but only has 50 % more inhabitants. Therefore, while Denmark contains 136 inhabitants per square kilometer, Sweden only has 25 inhabitants per square kilometer. That could, in theory, make it harder for the virus to spread in Sweden than in Denmark.
  • Single vs. multi-generational households: Sweden has the highest number of single households in the world. Elsewhere in Europe, several generations of families live together, or younger people find it too expensive to live alone.
  • Holiday travel habits: In February, many Danes flocked to the ski slopes in Austria for winter holidays, despite its proximity to Italy where a known outbreak was occurring. On the other hand, many Swedes remained in Sweden to ski during their winter break.
  • Public authorities: The less radical measures taken against the virus in Sweden can be an expression of a more rational and scientific management of the crisis than in Denmark. The Swedish public authorities are empowered to make their strategy more guided by scientific reasons than by political considerations.

Impact on COVID-19 Outcomes

In both nations, hospitals are challenged but not overwhelmed, and neither has experienced the severe lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) that has been seen in the United States and elsewhere. As of 22 April, Sweden had reported 1,937 COVID-19 deaths from 16,004 cases (a roughly 12% fatality rate), while Denmark recorded 394 fatalities from 7,912 cases (4.8% death rate based on Johns Hopkins University statistics).

While Swedish officials do speak of a flattening of their curve due to its unique approach, the number of active cases remains on an upward trajectory. This contrasts with Denmark; whose curve is clearly in a downward trend.

We cannot definitively say that Sweden’s continued rise in cases was caused directly by its unique approach to coronavirus response. However, it is certain that here in Denmark, despite being a much more densely populated country with a smaller land mass, our authorities’ response measures have been fruitful.

Implications for Business and Communications

As the differences between country responses unfold, we here living in the Nordics continue to learn more about ourselves. In fact, these clear distinctions have surprised both experts and ordinary people. The case of the Nordic countries provides valuable insights into how two very similar countries, that are often grouped into the same geographic sub-region that is perceived to be largely homogenous, differ vastly with regard to crisis response, healthcare decision making, culture and demographics at large.

Further, the COVID-19 pandemic serves as an important and somber reminder that across industries, whether a startup or a multinational enterprise, there is no one-size-fits all approach to addressing regional healthcare issues. Nuance, local understanding, and flexibility must remain top-of-mind at all times.

About the Authors: Christian Juul Nyhus (DK) is Director and Karin Wieden (SWE) is Communications Advisor at GLOBALHealthPR Nordics partner, Effector.

Follow @GLOBALHealthPR on Twitter for additional perspectives on this and other timely global health issues. For more insights or communications support from our local experts, please contact 

Last week, the GLOBALHealthPR community connected virtually to discuss how we can best support our clients and their priorities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Leaders from our network of independent healthcare agencies around the globe shared experiences on how best to support our clients to communicate effectively at this unprecedented time.

It sounds very simple, but a key takeaway was how vital it is to ensure regular contact with clients to make sure that agencies stay up-to-date and can provide the best advice in a rapidly evolving situation. It’s important to discuss purpose and activities that can help demonstrate their organisation’s ability to adapt and commit to this ‘new normal’.

Below, we outline strategies and tactics that healthcare communications agencies and industry can take to support hospitals, healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients:

  • Consider other channels, including virtual events, through which to share scientific information to HCPs now that pharmaceutical sales reps are off the road and all in-person medical meetings have been postponed or cancelled.
  • Develop targeted patient content to help companies reach immunosuppressed and high-risk patients with important information.
  • Prioritise internal communications to help organisations continue to operate efficiently and to maintain staff engagement. This may be especially important for smaller client companies, who may not have leveraged agency support for internal communications previously.
  • Encourage clients to pursue media opportunities that reflect the changing landscape. Over time, the media in many countries have become less inclined to tell other healthcare stories and have become increasingly hungry to tell positive stories. We can help clients convey how they have supported healthcare systems and local communities.

Opportunities for industry partnership include the following:

  • Provide phones or tablets to hospital intensive care units that are closed to visitors, so families can contact loved ones who are in critical condition.
  • Set up a phone line that provides psychological support to healthcare professionals who are extremely busy and under immense pressure.

We also discussed how agencies can support their wider communities, including other businesses and non-profit organisations. For example, our partner in Italy, Connexia, is a distributor for Cisco’s Webex and has been providing free accounts to over 300 companies, as well as offering onboarding services to this platform.

Building Business Resilience

The coronavirus pandemic may cause a lasting economic downturn, and therefore, it is vital we are prepared to effectively support each other in building business resilience and to look after our teams. Based on feedback from countries that have been hit hard by the pandemic, GHPR business leaders recommend the following:

  • Move to a working from home model sooner than required by government. This will help limit exposure to the virus, enabling employees to continue working effectively.
  • Pay close attention to your organisation’s internal communications, building in plenty of time for check-ins and making sure that people feel supported while they are working remotely. A company culture does not disappear when working virtually, but it may take a little extra care to ensure its presence continues to be felt.
  • Regularly track finances and business KPIs. Moving from monthly to weekly and even daily check-ins ensures that our businesses stay in good shape. Increased oversight empowers us to be able to react promptly to change.

We all found the first meeting of our GLOBALHealthPR COVID-19 Task Force extremely useful and will continue to connect, listen and share our learnings in the coming weeks and months.

Follow @GLOBALHealthPR on Twitter for additional perspectives on this and other timely global health issues. For more insights or communications support from our local experts, please contact

Authored by Rachel Terry, Director, and Jenny Davies, Account Director at Aurora Healthcare Communications, London.

Over the past two weeks, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has been spreading like wildfire, with cases now rising faster outside of China than inside. The spread of the virus to more than 100 countries has presented new challenges for governments, health professionals and media covering the outbreak.

In case you missed it, access Part I, Part II, and Part III of our series, where GLOBALHealthPR leaders from the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe, and Latin America provide insights about the spread of information in their markets and the impact it has had locally.

In Part IV, we feature agency leaders from Italy, Spain, and the Nordics, who share their take on the impactful aspects, topics and evolution of this ongoing media conversation. Download the piece here.

Over the past two weeks, the COVID-19 outbreak has taken new twists and turns, with cases now rising faster outside of China than inside. The spread of the virus to more than 70 countries has presented new challenges for governments, health professionals and media covering the outbreak.

In case you missed it, access Part I and Part II of our series, where GLOBALHealthPR leaders from the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe provide insights about the spread of information in their markets and the impact it has had locally.

In Part III, we feature agency leaders from the Latin America region, who share their take on the impactful aspects, topics and evolution of this ongoing media conversation. Download the piece here.

Next, access Part IV, where we feature agency leaders from Italy, Spain, and the Nordics for their take.

GLOBALHealthPR has developed a series with local healthcare communications experts in countries where COVID-19 coronavirus cases have been confirmed.

In case you missed it, access Part I of our series where GLOBALHealthPR leaders from the Asia-Pacific region provide insights about the spread of information in their markets and the impact it has had locally.

In Part II, we feature agency leaders from North America and Europe, who share insights about the impactful aspects, topics and evolution of this ongoing media conversation. Download the piece here.

Next, access Part III and Part IV, where GLOBALHealthPR leaders from Latin America and Europe offer their insights.

GLOBALHealthPR partners worldwide collaborated to develop a series focused on the most impactful aspects, topics and evolution of media conversation surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. In this first installment, GLOBALHealthPR leaders from the Asia-Pacific region provide insights about the spread of information in their markets and the impact it has had locally. Download the full piece here.


Next, access Part II, Part III, and Part IV where we feature agency leaders from North America, Latin America, and Europe, who share insights about the impactful aspects, topics and evolution of this ongoing media conversation.