
color globe_420x3152What were the major health trends, discoveries and developments around the world in 2013? To round out the year, we’ve reached out to all corners of the globe to bring the following insights from our GLOBALHealthPR partners. Happy New Year!

The most important media coverage (both in traditional and social media) of healthcare issues was related to organ donations and transplants from the personal stories of children. In addition, mass initiatives, such as those that promoted the importance of bone marrow donation, were widely covered. [Read more…] about The Top Health Stories of 2013

By Lucía Ferro of GLOBALHealthPR Argentina partner, Paradigma PEL Comunicación

On November 2nd, the third annual No Dieta event in Buenos Aires united individuals who wish to reach a comfortable and healthy body weight without depriving themselves of the pleasure of dieta - auditorium

No Dieta is an eating philosophy that protests restrictive diets and instead promotes varied and balanced healthy eating. “When we forbid certain foods, all we do is generate more desire. In the “no dieta” movement everything can be eaten, but the key is measuring the portions and living an active life,” explained Dr. Mónica Katz, the leader of the meeting. [Read more…] about The “No Dieta” Movement: A Growing Argentinian Philosophy That May Make You Reconsider Your Eating Habits

Today’s blog comes to us from GLOBALHealthPR partner in Argentina, Paradigma PEL Comunicación.

Caught between Frankenstein and an unfathomable labyrinth. That is how many Latin-Americans feel when navigating their country’s health system, explained prominent Argentinean health systems expert Dr. Rubén Torres, former Area Manager of Health Systems based on Primary Health Care of the Pan American Health Organization. (PAHO) during a recent journalist training session in Buenos Aires.

[Read more…] about Frankenstein and the Labyrinth: Common Features of Health Systems in Latin America

Digital volunteers are signing up to become organ donors in Argentina

By Lucía Ferro, of GLOBALHealthPR Argentina partner Paradigma PEL Comunicación

Red Solidaria (Solidarity Network), founded in 1995 and active in 80 communities throughout Argentina, is one of the most important NGOs in Argentina. Recently this organization launched a new proposal to the whole community: solidarity through social media networks. [Read more…] about Solidarity: Digital Volunteering through Social Networks in Argentina

Paradigma, our GLOBALHealthPR partner in Argentina, presents insights from a new study on sexual and reproductive health.

Solamente Vos A recent study in Argentina carried out by Fundación Huésped and UNICEF proved television’s great potential to influence the public’s opinion on sexual and reproductive health.  Fundación Huésped and UNICEF teamed up with the script authors, producers and actors of popular primetime comedy show Solamente Vos” to co-create an episode in which one of the characters, an adolescent girl, has sexual intercourse for the first time. The idea was to emphasize the use of the condom and the role of women in the suggestion of its use and provision. What was most interesting in this study is that they obtained specific information about the impact of the show, as they evaluated sexual and reproductive health attitudes of the viewers before and after the episode’s broadcast through a survey of 700 TV viewers. [Read more…] about Sexual Initiation and Women’s Empowerment: How TV Impacts Social Perception and Behavior