healthcare providers

Today’s blog comes to us from Jonathan Wilson, President of GLOBALHealthPR US Partner and Chair, Spectrum.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is rethinking its rules on what kind of information pharma companies can share with physicians regarding off-label use of their products. That’s good news for the practice of medicine.

At the moment, pharma company employees can talk about a drug only in the context of the condition indicated in its FDA-approved label. Anything they say about another, unapproved use of the drug is considered “misbranding” according to federal law, and subjects the company to civil and criminal prosecution. [Read more…] about Scientific Exchange Calls for Some Talk of “Off-Label” Use

Today’s blog comes to us from GLOBALHealthPR partner in Argentina, Paradigma PEL Comunicación.

Caught between Frankenstein and an unfathomable labyrinth. That is how many Latin-Americans feel when navigating their country’s health system, explained prominent Argentinean health systems expert Dr. Rubén Torres, former Area Manager of Health Systems based on Primary Health Care of the Pan American Health Organization. (PAHO) during a recent journalist training session in Buenos Aires.

[Read more…] about Frankenstein and the Labyrinth: Common Features of Health Systems in Latin America

Dinesh Chindarkar, Co-founder of our GLOBALHealthPR partner in India, MediaMedic Communications, elucidates about eDetailing – where technology and graphics, married with rich content, come to the rescue of mundane communication

Dinesh Chindarkar
Dinesh Chindarkar

Detailing has always been the backbone of doctors’ communication with the pharma industry for over the last three to four decades. This print tool, though has undergone quality improvements in terms of its content, visual appeal, some added gimmicks etc; all these have been value-adds within the box. Nothing has challenged it–until now. [Read more…] about eDetailing: The Future for Pharma Communication?