Insights & Trends

Today’s blog post comes to us from our GLOBALHealthPR partner in Australia, VIVA! Communications.

When reflecting on our nation, one tends to recall the poem I love a sunburnt country, penned by Australian author, Dorothea Mackellar in 1904. In her poem Mackeller describes our majestic, sun-drenched country as “a land of sweeping plains, of ragged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains.” She paints an idealised portrait of Australia as a “wide brown land” of “far horizons,” a land of “jewel-sea”.

Mackellar’s romantic “land of the rainbow gold” continues to ring true to an extent. However, it is the health of her population that is suffering from the weight of chronic disease. [Read more…] about The Disheartening State of Our Nation’s Health

Image: Smithsonian
Image: Smithsonian

Recently, a Pittsburg biohacker planted a chip in his arm to track his temperature and transmit the results to his phone via Bluetooth. Despite the limited use of the device, the news reignited the biohacking debate. The term is used to define the practice of using hacking attitudes and ethics to engage with biology. This trend features people without professional or medical training developing technological devices to enhance living conditions. [Read more…] about Biohacking, Bionics and 3D Printing

Last August, Bloomberg compiled a list of the most efficient healthcare systems around the world.  The ranking took into consideration the healthcare cost per capita, percentage of GDP spent on health care and life expectancy. Researchers looked at data from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Hong Kong’s Department of Health, and gave each country a score out of a 100. Our countdown begins with the top two countries in the Western Hemisphere, followed by the top six overall:

[Read more…] about The World’s Most Efficient Health Care Systems

AmericanHealthandFitness HM HBoleaga
“Historias Mayo” article raising awareness of organ donation

Today’s insights come courtesy of Nallely Moreno of our GLOBALHealthPR Mexico partner, PRPartners.  

Throughout the world, the Mayo Clinic is known as a top source for scientific research and medical education and care. Because the media already uses Mayo Clinic as a reference, the organization has a distinct advantage when it has news. Whereas traditionally, a press release is not sufficient to gain media attention, the Mayo Clinic has an already-primed audience watching for news. In 2012 alone, we managed to get 627 stories and articles published for the Mayo Clinic. [Read more…] about Modifying Tactics to Help Mayo Clinic Succeed: A Lesson in PR

We’ve all heard the pros and cons of the industry’s outlook in Europe, the US and some Asian nations, but information from South America and Southeast Asia can be scarce.  However, new data suggests that opportunity may lie in two countries, one that has been mostly overlooked and one at the forefront of global headlines.pills

The new data provide insight into the growing global market for pharma. EyeForPharma, an industry hub led by senior level executives, highlighted these two markets, as well as the markets of several countries across the globe.

[Read more…] about Emerging Pharma Worldwide

Last week we were honoured at the peak pharmaceutical industry ‘PRIME Awards’ with a highly-coveted Public Relations accolade.

 prime awards

Together with our client, bioCSL, we won the best ‘PR Campaign’ award for our highly innovative and integrated travel vaccines communications campaign entitled ‘Urging globetrotters, health professionals and travel consultants to prioritise travel health.’ [Read more…] about GLOBALHealthPR Partner VIVA! Communications Clinches Best PR Campaign at Premier Pharmaceutical Industry Event