Insights & Trends

Today’s featured post comes to us from our GLOBALHealthPR Spain partner, Berbés Asociados.

Last Monday, in the wake of elections to the European Parliament and with no prior warning, the media was caught off-guard by an announcement by Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to call a press conference. The reason was to inform of changes to the country’s monarchy. The media were unanimous: King Juan Carlos’s abdication was a virtual certainty. Now it is a reality. [Read more…] about The Next Generation

Today´s blog post comes to us from Sara Nieto of our GLOBALHealthPR Spain partner, Berbés Asociados.


A client calls his communications partner regarding a new strategic direction that executives have just agreed to take. In the client’s mind, he already has plenty of activities he wants to convey. He provides his press office with new information, data and results to carry out his plan. This new announcement also has significant social importance, so it will interest the general public and is therefore newsworthy. [Read more…] about When Things Work Out Right

Today’s post comes to us from our GLOBALHealthPR partner in Australia, VIVA! Communications.

With today being Valentines Day, it’s hard not to think about love. healthy heart Spending time with that special someone, maybe meeting someone new and falling head over heels (for the first time, or all over again) in L-O-V-E, or finally working up the courage to share your feelings with that person you’ve had a crush on for as long as you can remember. People around the world will mark this day in a variety of ways, from secret celebrations to expensive gifts to street dances.

Love and Health

Love is a joyful state. It’s exciting and really makes people happy. And to top it off, love is healthy. [Read more…] about Just a Little Healthy Love

Rural Vaccination in La Pampa, Argentina

Today’s blog post comes to us from Lucía Ferro of GLOBALHealthPR Argentina partner, Paradigma PEL Comunicación.

Vaccination has a significant impact on the decrease in infectious diseases – it can help prevent up to three million deaths each year, making it one of the most successful public health investments. But in Latin America, vaccination continues to be a big challenge because key segments of the population, such as the members of some indigenous communities and those in geographically isolated regions, have little access to routine immunization services. [Read more…] about Vaccination in Latin America: Communication Between Health Workers and Community is Key to Achieving Access

Today’s blog post comes to us from Mayra Lopes of GLOBALHealthPR Brazil partner, Tino Comunicação.

There is a common saying here that Brazil is o país do futebol, or “country of football.” It is easy to understand why: Brazilian players wear five stars on their jerseys, one for each World Cup the country has won. Some of the sport’s most famous stars – Pelé, Garrincha, Ronaldo, Kaká and now Neymar – are Brazilian. And, Brazil invented the so-called “Art of Football.” So yes, most will easily agree that Brazil is revered in the sport. Seven years ago, when FIFA President Joseph Blatter confirmed that Brazil would host the tournament in 2014, the country was abuzz with both positive and negative reactions. Now, a few months away from the event, there is still a lot to do and the country’s critics are speaking out through the international press on an almost daily basis.

PR opportunities at the World Cup? Not so fast

What could have been a great opportunity to generate PR has become taboo. Only the official sponsors of the World Cup are allowed to use the event’s name, logo and mascot. Also, TV Globo is the only TV license holder in Brazil, meaning no other channel can broadcast any match. Together with FIFA, they have created a number of rules and consequences for those who use the event’s name without the right permission.

Nation Branding

Countries use sporting events to attain visibility and to work on what some call “cultural diplomacy,” and what others call “nation branding.” Simply put, it aims to measure, build and manage the reputation of countries. Philip Kotler, world-class marketing expert, defines nation-branding as: “The sum of beliefs and impressions people hold about place. Images represent a simplification of a large number of associations and pieces of information connected with a place. They are a product of the mind trying to process and pick out essential information from huge amounts of data about a place.”[1]

The 2010 World Cup in South Africa and 2012 London Olympics are the latest examples of successful ‘nation branding’ plans. South Africa managed to surprise the whole world and break old stereotypes. It left the country an enormous legacy, promoting its image as a trustworthy and hospitable place to visit. The Olympics also left a positive mark on Britain:  the Nations Brand Index research, which rates 50 nations on criteria such as culture and tourism, found that Great Britain now occupies the 4th place, whereas before the event it was in 5th.

After the Cup: Potential Changes in Brazil

Because of Brazil’s great reputation for football – combined with its increasing relevance in the global sphere as a leader of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) – Brazilians are beginning to worry about the future. They worry that the country’s current infrastructure (from airports to urban mobility and violence) will not support the torrent of visitors, and that the Brazilian team won’t win their sixth star.

Despite the fearful conversations and the lack of progress at building sites, our leaders are optimistic. Simon Anholt, another expert on the topic, says that “nation branding” should not over-promise or try to make a country appear to be something it is not. “Marketing teaches us that people cannot be deceived for long; that the higher you raise their expectations, the more completely they reject your offering when they are disappointed.”[2]

With the big tournament just months away, the country’s anxiety level is growing. Neymar, the golden boy, just got injured and became mixed-up in polemics. To top it off, a major construction accident happened in the stadium where the World Cup’s opening is supposed to take place. The clock is ticking and if Brazil wins the World Cup and everything goes smoothly, great. If not, let’s hope Brazilian leaders have a good crisis management plan and some other good tricks up their sleeves.


[1] Kotler, Philip. “Country as a brand, product, and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective,” Journal of Brand Management, Apr 2002.

[2] Anholt, Simon. “Branding Places and Nations,” in Brands and Branding (The Economist Series), 2004.

color globe_420x3152What were the major health trends, discoveries and developments around the world in 2013? To round out the year, we’ve reached out to all corners of the globe to bring the following insights from our GLOBALHealthPR partners. Happy New Year!

The most important media coverage (both in traditional and social media) of healthcare issues was related to organ donations and transplants from the personal stories of children. In addition, mass initiatives, such as those that promoted the importance of bone marrow donation, were widely covered. [Read more…] about The Top Health Stories of 2013