Tino Comunicação

Today’s post comes to us from Fabíola Capalbo, Account Executive at GLOBALHealthPR Brazil partner, Tino Comunicação.

Por Dentro da Camisinha 2 - Credito Danilo Cervan BAs the only communications agency in Brazil dedicated exclusively to healthcare and quality of life, we strongly believe in the importance of expanding projects and partnerships to promote healthy behaviors.

One of these proud partnerships promotes sexual health and encourages positive behaviors among Brazilian youth. [Read more…] about Sex Education in Brazil: The Right To A Healthy Life

Today’s blog post comes to us from Mayra Lopes of GLOBALHealthPR Brazil partner, Tino Comunicação.

Planning, building strategy, fundraising… check! Next comes launch and the agenda is already full of activities. Just last week, collage-tino-pics-1024x393Tino Comunicação launched Saia da Bolha (Burst the Bubble) for primary immunodeficiency awareness. Primary immunodeficiency is a genetic disorder that attacks a patient’s immune system. To draw attention, the inauguration consisted of a performance: an actress was inside of a bubble around São Paulo’s bustling Paulista Avenue area performing routine tasks and captivating those passing by. [Read more…] about Glaucoma, Immunodeficiency, Rare Diseases and Sun Exposure: Four Awareness Campaigns Ready to Kick Off in Brazil

In its tenth edition, ‘Brain’ goes international to discuss the latest trends in mental health

Earlier this month, Brain 2014 celebrated not only the congress’ 10th year but also its first international edition. The event gathered more than a thousand experts on neurology and psychiatry from all over the world in Montreal, Canada. State-of-art research was presented, including studies that give new perspectives about diagnosis and treatments of pathologies in both areas.

[Read more…] about Brazilian Congress on Neurology and Psychiatry Lands in Canada

Today’s post comes to us from Lais Cattassini of GLOBALHealthPR Brazil partner, Tino Comunicação.

Macular Degeneration: the leading cause of blindness in senior citizens

Have you ever imagined how your life would be if you couldn’t see? Or how differently you would see things around you if you needed (or didn’t need) glasses?

Our vision naturally changes as we grow older, but sometimes it can be more serious than simply adjusting a prescription. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among people over 50 years old. [Read more…] about Using Social Media to Fight Vision Loss in Brazil

Today’s post comes to us courtesy of Lais Cattassini of GLOBALHealthPR partner in Brazil, Tino Comunicação.

Diabetes is a big problem in Brazil. The country has over 13.5 million people with type 2 diabetes and it is believed that half of those people are not aware of their condition. Brazil has the fourth-highest number of diabetics in the world, and this number is expected to increase exponentially.

launch event
Photos from the “Change your Values” campaign launch event in São Paulo, 2 September 2013.

[Read more…] about Changing Values to Tackle Chronic Disease

Is there a new game-changer in Brazilian journalism? Laís Cattassini of Tino Comunicação, GLOBALHealthPR’s partner in Brazil discusses.

Protests in Rio
Protesters in Rio de Janeiro.
Celso Barbosa-Futura Press/Veja

Here in Brazil, there is no question journalism has seen a dramatic change over the years. Although I am not old enough to have experienced what some would call “the good old days,” my generation is now part of a new way of making news. 

One group of young people is trying to do it differently—trying to change the way we produce and consume the news. They call themselves “ninjas.” Not as in warriors or as in spies. Well…maybe. NINJA is an acronym for “Narrativas Independentes, Jornalismo e Ação” (Independent Narratives, Journalism and Action). Unlike big-media journalists, these ninjas are part of the action, sometimes even provoking the facts. [Read more…] about They Call Themselves “Ninjas”