* News & Events *

We had a new visitor in the Spectrum office today, but he’s coming back for good at the beginning of 2014. We’re excited about this next big step for Spectrum!

Spectrum today announced Jonathan Wilson has been named the new President of the leading health and life science public relations firm, based in Washington, DC.

Mr. Wilson resigned as President of Chamberlain Healthcare Public Relations in New York, and is relocating to Washington with his family.

Spectrum founder John Seng continues as Spectrum’s CEO, and will assume the new title of Chairman of Spectrum Science Communications, Inc. He also retains his position as Chair of the GLOBALHealthPR partnership that he co-founded in 2001, after establishing Spectrum in 1996.

CEO and Chairman John J. Seng; Sr. VP Lissette Capati; President Jonathan Wilson; Sr. VP Maureen Varnon
CEO and Chairman John J. Seng; Senior Vice President Lissette Capati; President Jonathan Wilson; Senior Vice President Maureen Varnon

[Read more…] about GLOBALHealthPR Chair, Spectrum, Names Jonathan Wilson Its New President

Guess What PR Scores a Win for Women’s Health in Portugal

guess what2

It’s a pleasure to announce that our GLOBALHealthPR partner in Portugal, Guess What PR, has won the Merit Award for Excellence in Communication in the category of Communication and Social Responsibility during the Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication (APCE)‘s 2013 Awards event! The annual APCE Gala was held in Lisbon on the evening of Tuesday, 16 July.

The award was for Guess What’s ovarian cancer awareness campaign, carried out on behalf of the Portuguese League Against Cancer and Roche Portugal. Ovarian cancer is the seventh-leading cause of death globally for women. [Read more…] about It’s Awards Season for GLOBALHealthPR Partners! (Continued)

There is no limit to what GLOBALHealthPR can accomplish. In the past two weeks alone, two GLOBALHealthPR partner agencies have won major awards. We first feature our UK partner, Aurora. Congratulations, Aurora!

Communiqué Awards 2013, LondonAurora - communicating your vision

London was the site of the first awards celebration this month for GLOBALHealthPR. On 4 July, our partner Aurora won Communications Consultancy of the Year and Excellence in Communications via Meetings and Congresses for the Share+social media educational meeting for Roche Products. [Read more…] about It’s Awards Season for GLOBALHealthPR Partners!

London  – welcome your new neighbors.

This June, Aurora, GLOBALHealthPR’s partner in the United Kingdom, opened the doors to its brand new office in the famous Hatton Garden district. The new space reflects the Aurora philosophy of “Happy clients + happy team = great work.”   See a glimpse of their new headquarters from where they will continue to provide smart-thinking healthcare marketing and communications to their clients. Congratulations to Neil, Claire and the Aurora team!

pharma-market-codesA new edition of the international guide to pharmaceutical marketing codes is published, announced GLOBALHealthPR, the largest independent public relations organization dedicated to health and medical communications worldwide.

Now in its third edition, the 169-page reference, The Global Guide to Pharma Marketing Codes, provides information on specific codes and regulations surrounding the promotion of medicines in 16 countries. [Read more…] about New Global Guide to Pharmaceutical Marketing Codes Published