In today’s post, Dinesh Chindarkar of GLOBALHealthPR India partner MediaMedic provides his perspective on the health sector outcomes of this month’s historic election. With more than 500 million ballots cast, it was the largest democratic election ever.

Given the current national mood that led to the spectacular victory of Mr. Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), it would only be fair to say that India, and its citizens, want greater equity, quality, transparency, and choice. That is as true of their healthcare needs as it is of everything else.
In the recent past, increasing government expenditure on health (as a % of GDP) and moving towards a system based around Universal Health Coverage (UHC) made big news. While both augur well for India, it is important to realize that they are but the means to an end. For a government with a sweeping mandate, the focus must clearly be on making India a healthy nation, understanding clearly that health has a multiplier effect on the nation’s [Read more…] about Does the New Government Bode Well for India’s Healthcare Sector?