Global Guide to PHarma Marketing Codes

An Update from Viva! Communications, GLOBALHealthPR partner in Australia:

VIVA! launches digital division

Health and wellness communications agency, VIVA! Communications, has launched VIVA! Digital. “To emphasise VIVA’s understanding of the digital space and to highlight VIVA’s creative capabilities, we have established a digital services arm called VIVA! Digital,” said VIVA’s Director, Kirsten Bruce. “Marketers can no longer afford not to be part of the online conversation as the healthcare sector is steadily moving in to the digital space.

“Companies need to cater for an increasingly mobile audience and this translates in to new communication resources such as mobile enabled websites, microsites, and easily accessible and shareable digital resources such as infographics, video clips and 3D animations, Bruce said.

VIVA! Digital will not take place of the traditional media relations provided by the VIVA! team, but will instead complement integrated communication strategies while influencing health and wellness across digital platforms.“An integrated campaign is designed to maximise outreach and extend on campaign massaging and longevity. Being relevant in the digital area demands understanding of the digital media space as well as industry knowledge on the code of conduct,” said Bruce. [Read more…] about VIVA! Australia Making Waves in Health and Wellness Communications

pharma-market-codesA new edition of the international guide to pharmaceutical marketing codes is published, announced GLOBALHealthPR, the largest independent public relations organization dedicated to health and medical communications worldwide.

Now in its third edition, the 169-page reference, The Global Guide to Pharma Marketing Codes, provides information on specific codes and regulations surrounding the promotion of medicines in 16 countries. [Read more…] about New Global Guide to Pharmaceutical Marketing Codes Published