Vaccines are widely considered among the most significant medical achievements in global health, saving an estimated 2-3 million lives annually. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine education and uptake is crucial. To show their support for WHO’s 2021 World Immunization Week, many of our GLOBALHealthPR partners have created an array of communications initiatives, campaigns and expert analyses to drive broad adoption in their countries and around the world.
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Argentina, Paradigma PEL Comunicación – Semana de Vacunación de las Américas (Vaccination Week in the Americas)

In support of the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) annual Vaccination Week in the Americas, Paradigma has launched a social media campaign providing facts and figures in support of vaccine uptake. Check out their Twitter and Instagram feeds for daily posts.
Australia, VIVA!- Lack of access to COVID-19 vaccine threatening global immunity

Last week, VIVA! partnered with the Immunisation Coalition and UNICEF Australia in a bid to unite developing nations through vaccinations. Many of us in high income countries can now access free COVID-19 vaccinations, however, lower income countries are yet to receive a single dose. A global pandemic requires a global response, so in the interest of promoting community immunity, we need to ensure all countries have COVID-19 vaccine access.
Canada, energi PR- Oh Canada. Our Vaccination Response May be Too Little, but Hopefully Not Too Late

When it comes to the best places to live in the world, many Canadian cities rank high on the livability index. Canada’s healthcare system is also praised around the world. Why, then, are citizens struggling to get vaccinated to protect them against COVID-19? PR Co-Founder & CEO Carol Levine provides expert insight into the state of Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, diving into the reasoning behind why only 21.84% of Canadians have received one of the two dose vaccines currently approved in the country- Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and COVESHEILD.
Mexico, PRP- Vacunación contra COVID-19 en México: Análisis de la Conversación Digital (COVID-19 vaccination in Mexico: Digital Analysis) [in Spanish]

Mexican health authorities have encouraged vaccine uptake since the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out plan was announced in Mexico in December 2020. PRP conducted an analysis of approximately 500,000 social posts which revealed that nearly 50% of these users displayed concerns about which biological product was the most effective and transparency surrounding the vaccination process, while 30% felt that the government was not meeting vaccination deadlines and was using the plan as a front for political purposes. However, an estimated 20% of these posts become more positive once a user had received the vaccine or had a close family member who had been vaccinated.
Singapore, Spurwing Communications- Vaccines and Preventable Diseases

For the last two centuries, vaccines have protected us against diseases that threaten lives and limit human potential. Currently, 17 dangerous and deadly diseases are preventable through the help of vaccines, saving the lives of millions globally. While it will be some time before the whole world is immunized against COVID-19, we can support vaccine efforts by building solidarity and trust in vaccinations as a public good that saves lives and protects health – working towards a world where we can be together again.
Spain, Berbés- Las vacunas nos acercan (Vaccines bring us closer) [in Spanish]

Google trends have revealed that vaccines have dominated the public’s interest. In fact, since March 2020, searches for the term “vaccines” has increased by approximately 1000%.
United Kingdom, Aurora- Science makes vaccines possible. We make their use real

There is a lack of trust in vaccines by the public, in part due to myth and misinformation spread in all forms of media. This makes vaccine education more important than ever. Inspired by Pfizer and BioNTech’s recent campaign, #becauseofthis, Aurora asked their colleagues who have received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to share what they are most looking forward to being able to do once they are fully vaccinated.
Europe– The Importance of Vaccines: Perspectives From Our Partners in Europe

Our partners in Europe share their insights and perspectives on why vaccines are critical to fighting diseases and why vaccine education can help limit the spread of misinformation.
United States, Spectrum Science- Voyage of a Vaccine

As an agency hyper-focused on science, Spectrum uses their expertise and science-telling capabilities to chronicle the voyage of a vaccine, driving awareness and education around the more nuanced components of the story.
Additional Expert Analysis:
“Achieving Global ImmUNITY,” by Tim Goddard, GLOBALHealthPR at Spectrum
“Vaccination in Latin America: The Delicate Balance Between Informing and Alarming,” by Ma. Eugenia De la Fuente, Paradigma PEL Comunicación