GLOBALHealthPR Partner VIVA! Communications Clinches Best PR Campaign at Premier Pharmaceutical Industry Event
Awards, brand, GLOBALHealthPR, Health, photo, PR, social media and health, Viva! Communications
Last week we were honoured at the peak pharmaceutical industry ‘PRIME Awards’ with a highly-coveted Public Relations accolade.
Together with our client, bioCSL, we won the best ‘PR Campaign’ award for our highly innovative and integrated travel vaccines communications campaign entitled ‘Urging globetrotters, health professionals and travel consultants to prioritise travel health.’

We also featured as a finalist with bioCSL in the ‘Best Public Health Initiative’ category for our `Love Your Lungs – helping to protect against pneumonia’ campaign. VIVA! Communications’ Principal, Kirsten Bruce, was delighted to receive the award in concert with bioCSL.
“It is such an honour to win this prestigious industry award. This is the second year running that we’ve had the good fortune to receive the ‘PR Campaign’ award in partnership with bioCSL,” Kirsten said. “This award is recognition of the unswerving vision, creativity and tenacity we share with all of our clients in meeting and implementing agreed communication campaign goals. We look forward to partnering with bioCSL on many future strategic PR campaigns,” said Kirsten.
The travel health campaign was designed to deliver travel smart messages to three distinct yet interconnected audiences – healthcare professionals, travel professionals and travellers – reinforcing the importance of prioritising travel health by providing or seeking (depending on audience) professional travel health advice before travelling overseas, particularly to high-risk destinations.
The campaign generated more than 35 million potential audience impressions (Australian and international) across mainstream health professional, travel trade and consumer media outlets. Importantly, the campaign delivered 100 per cent key message accuracy, resulting in tangible action and measurable outcomes in terms of impacting sales. Markedly, increases in sales were reported across bioCSL’s travel health portfolio, ranging from between 38 per cent to 93 per cent increases on original forecasts.
The 2013 PRIME Awards Ceremony, which recognises excellence in the Australian pharmaceutical and life sciences industry for human health, was attended by almost 1,000 guests at the Hilton Hotel, Sydney, where guests were entertained by comedian and TV host, Peter Berner.