Crossing Oceans to Build Collaboration
employee exchange, fischerAppelt, Germany, Spectrum, United States
Greetings from Germany!
While normally based at Spectrum in Washington, DC, I’m happy to find myself sitting in the bright, sunny offices of our GLOBALHealthPR partner fischerAppelt. Understanding and leveraging the similarities and differences between communication cultures around the world is critical to global communications success.
It’s the core reason why GLOBALHealthPR was created, and it’s why I’m participating in an employee exchange. I’m spending two weeks Germany to share ideas, understand best practices and identify opportunities to build collaboration across the network.
What’s been encouraging thus far is not how very differently we approach our work, but rather how similar we are in many aspects. We face many of the same challenges and frustrations and come together as teams in order to think creatively, determine how to move forward and strive for success.
As I continue my trip I will share more of my learnings from Germany, but until then, Auf Wiedersehen!